Cameron Michaud
Senior Executive Vice Chairman
20 years ago, Cameron Michaud left an Engineering career after being inspired to get involved in the building of people’s lives both on the client and career platforms with World Financial Group. The decision was not an easy one for Cameron…” having no prior experience, a very limited market in a new city and a lifelong struggle with a stuttering impediment were all things I really worried about. I knew I had these battles ahead of me but also knew they were not good excuses not to go for it...I had something in me that wanted more and wanted to be a difference maker!”
Cameron, married now for 22 years to his wife Leanne, has four boys Jayden 17, Riley 15, Evan 13 and Daniel 12 and a few pets! “When I started 20 years ago, they told me that I could come here, go to work and build a business that would eventually serve my life rather than consume it...and that’s exactly what our family has been blessed with.” This is very important to Cameron as he is a big family guy, enjoys boating, and loves spending time with family, friends and teammates at their Okanagan home in beautiful British Columbia.
“Helping people succeed at whatever it is that’s important to them is my passion and mission.” Being able to have a fingerprint in people’s successes is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things Cameron has done in his entire life. “I’m so blessed to be in this industry with this wonderful company and to do it alongside my family, friends and teammates.”